At the temple, there is a poem called "Loss",
carved into the stone. It has three words...
but the poet has scratched them out.
You cannot read "Loss"... Only feel it.
Sometimes you can't help but falling in love, and when I first saw her photo I just fell head over heels.
This was my eldest daughters special cat, and she named her Summer.
Summer was very social, and was always purring, even when she was close to death.
She had her heart scanned in oktober 2009 and had a beautiful litter of kittens with handsome Taiga.
May 15th she tragically died of aqute kidney failure when her kittens were only 9 weeks old. Nothing had prepared us for this and we were devostated!
The most tragic is she died from her kittens, thankfully they are big enough to fend for themselves.
So many hopes and dreams for (N)Solstorm's Cattery will be buried with our lovely Summer-girl, but thankfully her beautiful daughter Karma will still stay with us.