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mandag 7. juni 2010

A weeks nightmare

We have had one of our worst weeks ever! IC (N)Gaupekatten's Frøken Norge gave birth to six tiny kittens on monday, one week early. The kittens were too weak to live, and died one by one.
Now we have only (N)Solstorm's Ghost left from our nightmare-litter. She will be staying in the cattery.

2 kommentarer:

Ororina sa...

Oh, one left? So sad to hear that the other didn't made it. Little Ghost must be over the worst now, so I'm sure she will make it and become a big, beautiful cat!

Helen Aandal sa...

Ja huff, dette var trasig!
Men nå er det den ene det gjelder og hun er jo kjempeflott.
Er hun helt svart, eller?