(N)Neofeli's Naboo, mother is Armilla av Holskogen(N) and her father is my own GIC FIN*Amante's King of Taiga. I am so glad Naboo is moving in with us. I wanted so much to have another Taiga-baby, and Naboo is in my opinion the best girl in her litter. The lines also is very interesting, very traditional lines on both sides. Thank you Pia!!

This is my dear friend Liv. I bought my first siberian from her, and now it's time for another S*Ja Znaju cat. Thank you so much again Liv

And here she is: S*Ja Znaju Cherryblossom Snowstorm. She is very exiting to me, she is high white, a dream I have had for a long time, and loosing Summer made the urge for another high white cat unbearable. She is related to my first siberian Aztii on the mothers side, and to Summer on the fathers side. She is also related to Taiga, but only far back in the pedigrèe.

As anyone can se Cherryblossom Snowstorm is halv siberian and halv pitbull

I am in LOVE

Cherryblossom Snowstorm has 4 other siblings, two high white boys, one 09 boy and one 09 girl. The SIB n 23 09 boy was the best in the litter. Take a look at http://www.123minsida.se/Skattenemine/31369468