Teddy was Ex. 1, BIV-T and NOM both days and got one vote in panel both days. Here I am carrying both boys

Breeder Pasi posing with me and the boys

Therese is posing with all our BIV, NOM and BIS-prices

Breeder Pasi with a young copy of granddad JummiJammi

Therese too is proud of Teddy

Therese and Teddy

Therese wants to make sure everybody knows Teddy is her cat

Breeder Pasi and Teddy

Michael Edström is looking at Teddy in the panel

Breeder Tiina and Teddy

Student Judge looking at Teddy

Teddy on the judges table

Teddy is being judged by Maud Olsson Johansen

Breeder Tiina and Teddy
Thank you Tiina and Pasi for all help and support this weekend. It was great!! Thanx
2 kommentarer:
Gratulerer med flotte resultater!:)
Takker :0)
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