Another litter update today. We are leaving for a show this weekend, so there will not be another update in a few days, so here it goes
Summer and Monsoon. Monsoon will be staying at home

This is Summer and Darkside of the Sun

Another of Summer and Darkside

Three pics of little Monsoon, I need a tip for a nickname. Anyone?

Monsoon head

Pretty pretty girl, I am in love

The best head in my opinion is on Instant Karma.

She is under evaluation. One of the dark sisters will go to a show/breeding home

She is big, heavily boned and has a lot of red. I think she is silver too.

Darside of the Sun has a red stripe on her face

She is round like a ball

Very dark in colour, for sure no silver on her
3 kommentarer:
Däm e läkker alle tre, men Darkside er mums
Ja, kanskje hun bør reise til Åmål?
Oh, they have got eyes. So lovely! And yes, I understand why you have fallen in love in Monsoon, even though the other two might have a better head. Go for the love :D
Nickname? Moonie? Sonny? Sol? Mosu? Moses? LOL
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