Today has been a wonderful sunny day. We all + the dog and cats have spendt most of it outdoors. First we washed the car thorougly - something it really needed... shame on me...
Then I and Therese had a little babeque-party by ourselves. It was really cosy and we enjoyed outsefes intensly.
Here's Maks running

Isak had his first visit to the catyard today. Here he is sleeping with dad

Finally here's mum, I love you Isak sais

My two breeding females

Wonderful Bissan

Isak with mum. The outdoors is a little scary he thinks

Bissan, the love of my life

We are barbequing, and here's Therese standing next to the grill and the catyard

Another Bissan-pic

Taiga - look at his lovely eyecolour

Therese with her cowboy-hat

Maks hears Bine, and really wants to play with her

Our dinner :0)

Maks is sleeping

2 kommentarer:
masse flotte bilder :)
savner dere mye.... :(
Bissan er og blir dronningen over alle dronninger.
It does look like an absolutely wonderful day! Thanks for sharing.
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