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søndag 31. januar 2010


Vi ønsker fòrverter både til hanner og eventuelt til hunner. Hvis du er interessert i å være fòrvert for en hunnkatt er det viktig at du bor i nærheten av meg, men hvis du kunne tenke deg en hannkatt kan du bo litt lengre unna uten at det er et så stort problem.

Årsaken til at vi vil benytte oss av fòrverterer å kunne ha ett større utvalg av avlsdyr å arbeide med i vårt avlsprogram, men likevel ikke ha flere katter hjemme enn at vi kan ha tid til dem alle.
Det er et par mulige fòravtaler jeg ser for meg. Den ene er at fòrverten får katten vederlagsfritt. Da ønsker vi å få ha to kull på en hunnkatt, evnt tre-fire parringer på en hannkatt. Den andre muligheten jeg ser for meg er at fòrverten betaler halv pris for katten. Da ønsker jeg ett kull eller en-to parringer. Vi gjør en skriftlig avtale når vi setter ut katten på fòr.

Fòrverten dekker alle utgifter med det daglige katteholdet. Det vil si ting som mat, sand, vaksiner, ormekurer osv.
Vi dekker alle utgiftene til div. tester før avl, men fòrverten må være villig til å reise et stykke for å teste katten mot f.eks HCM som må gjøres i Tromsø.
Vi ønsker også å stille ut katten noen ganger. Avlsgodkjenning på utstilling dekkes av oss.

Vi er opptatt av at en fòrvertavtale ikke bare skal være bra for oss som oppdrettere, men du som fòrvert må også føle at du har gjort en god deal. For mange oppdrettere er fòrverter til uvurderlig hjelp. Hvis du kunne tenke deg å ha en katt på fòr må du gjerne ta kontakt.

Kittens expected

Sweet IC (N)CarilloCat Lucky Day and handsome IC FIN*Amante's King of Taiga are expecting kittens in medio March. This will be an exiting litter for us, this is Lucky Days first litter, and I can hardly wait to see what she will give us. Hopefully there will be some high white kittens.

There is already a waitinglist for this litter, but if you are interested, please feel free to contact me if you are interested in a kitten from (N)Solstorm's.

Jeg er også interessert i fòrverter.

torsdag 28. januar 2010

Bagheeras planned date

We have made a date for Bagheera this weekend if his other planned date still is not in heat. I will not tell too mcuh about this boy still, other that he's nicknamed Charlie. His colour is ds 02 21.
On these pics he's still very young, and I think he'll grow up to be a gorgeous male like his father and grandfather :0)

tirsdag 26. januar 2010

(N)Solstorm's Samara Nostalgie

Samara of course is the litter-sister of Zeya and Ishim, and she is living with Zeya. This pic also is borrowed (this time with permission) from her owners blog

(N)Solstorm's Zeya Nostalgie

I stole a pic of Zeya from her owners blog. She is the sister of Ishim below, and is living with her sister Samara and their two legged slaves. She is a good mix of her mum and dad.

søndag 24. januar 2010

Teddys big interests in life

Today I made pork ribs for dinner. Of course Teddy assumed it was for him, but I say he was wrong ;0)

He has two main interests: food (number one) and cuddles. Hopefully as he grows up, girls will also be added to the list.

torsdag 21. januar 2010

(N)Solstorm's Ishim Nostalgie

This is Ishim from my first sibirian litter. He is a lovely pet-boy. Mother is IC S*Ja Znaju Aztii Afanasievna and father is Oliver Nostalgie Beauty*RU

tirsdag 19. januar 2010

A little misunderstanding?

Bagheera is in heat and is flirting with...? The dog??? WHAT?
Is it only me, or is it something wrong with this picture?

Giving hugs and kisses. Look at Maks' nose LOL

FIN*Lumikissan X-Cellent, aka Teddy 5 months

My little Teddy is 5 months and BEAUTIFUL. Of course his ears are a bit bit at the moment, but look at his BONING and his EXPRESSION. WOW!

søndag 17. januar 2010


A new pic of Summer too, does she look pregnant?
Bagheera is in heat, but I cannot let her meet Taiga. If I do we will get in trouble when the kittens are arriving, because then I am at a show in Trondheim. We will have to wait until her next heat.

Teddys profile

Teddys brothers and sisters have done great at show, they already have several ex. 1, NOM and BIS. His brother (pic on the index-page of Lumikissans homepage) already has three BIS!!
It's unbelivable. Of course I had to compare the two brothers and found I had not taken any good profile-pics of Teddy. So here is one from tonight. It seems I have nothing to worry about, it is very similar to his beautiful brother in Switzerland. He has a different coat quality it seems, but in my opinion Teddy has a GREAT quality already as a small boy. I love him <3

Here's a pic of Teddy and his friend Maks the dog taken a couple of days ago

And here's the same couple taken after Teddy had been here for a couple of days. Can you see how much he has grown??

lørdag 16. januar 2010

Bissan and Teddy

There's no new and exiting news to tell from my cattery for the moment, so I just wanted to share a pic of Bissan. She is in "good" health as always, meaning we cannot se her HCM in her everyday life. She is cuddly as always, playing with Teddy and giving the dog one or two beats everytime she feels it is neccesary. She also is the police in my cattery, and if the other cats are making too much noice (for instance Taiga is trying to mate somebody who doesn't agree), Bissan is there in a flash and straighten things up. She is very authorative ;0)
Also tought I should share a copule of pics of my hooligan Teddy and Maks the dog. Teddy loves to play with the dog, and vica verca. They are the best of friends even if things look a bit out of control in this pic. Actually Maks don't mind too much if the cats bite his nose, but if they touch his feet they have won! Strange dog...

Here's another pic where at leat Maks is posing nicely. Teddy I guess is wondering what kind of mischief he can come up with next. He is soooo lovable, but also the biggest hooligan in my home at the moment. Teddy is developing in a flash of light. I think he must have gained 1 kg the last week... Of corse it isn't true, but he is really developing and he will be a big and very big boned MAN when he grows up :0)

torsdag 14. januar 2010


In Norway we don't have a pawpeds-approved vet at the moment, but for me the most important thing is to test, not to get the results in a database. I live 4 hours drive from Tromsø, the nearest place to test for HCM, so I was really happy Merethe at (N)Gyfi's agreed to pick Bagheera up when the boat arrived in Tromsø, take her to the vet and pop her off at the boat back to Harstad again in the afternoon.

At 10 a.m I sent Bagheera to Tromsø with this boat. Nice isn't it?

The name is "Fjorddronningen", or in English: "The fjord queen"

Here's a photo of the vet's office.
And of course the most important thing to tell is that Bagheeras heart was PERFECT today! I'm so happy. Now she will be mated to handsome Taiga.

Merethes' MCO cat IC (N) Nordic Lynx Aramis was getting a clean bill of health also, Jippi!!

onsdag 13. januar 2010


FIN*Amante's King of Kindness

Taiga is one of 6 brownmacrel boys in Amante's K-litter. I am so lucky to get updates and funny comments and stories from Taigas brother Maksin from time to time. Today I even got a photo, and the permition to share it in my blog. Maksim, or FIN*Amante's King of Kindness as his pedigrèe name is, is a neutered boy, and he is living together with another stunning Amante-cat and their two legged "mum" Ritva. I promised to tell everybody Maksim is just as sweet and nice as Taiga, even though he looks a bit angry in the photo. He, like Taiga, does not like the blitzlight and closes his eyes. Thanx Ride for commenting and sharing stories. I really appretiate it <3

Taiga was putting on his dipers again today to visit upstairs. Here he is trying to make a pass at Bagheera, but she is not in heat at the moment and was telling him off BIG TIME. That's what he gets for being unfaithful I suppose... ;0)
But Taiga is stressed about his girls calling for him, so he had to spray, and after he had sprayed his dipers a couple of times he was taken to his room again. Hopefully he will meet Bagheera "for real" again soon. But we need to screen her for HCM again first.

Taiga and Bagheera

tirsdag 12. januar 2010

Finally she's back

Summer is back from her romantic date with Taiga, and Teddy really enjoys it! Here they are together. Now it's a long wait before we know if she is pregnant...
Summers sister had kittens today, and it feels like a sneakpeak into the future. She had five kittens. Four of them are high white, and one without white. They are completely adorable!!
Please visit (N)CarilloCat for a sneakpeak of your own

New Teddy-photos

Teddy is 5 months in a week, and he is looking gorgeous! I just had to take some new photos of him. I will not comment on these, just say I love him. He is a real hooligan and at the same time the most cuddly and purring teddybear I have ever known :0)

Isak Taiganov - a Russian mob-boss?

Isak Taiganov is of course son of Taiga. Mother is Bagheera. He is looking good <3

søndag 10. januar 2010

A real gentleman

IC (N)CarilloCat Lucky Day is visiting my wonderful King of Taiga, and he is being a real hero with her. She is unexperienced, and is not helping him but he is being very calm and patient with her. Here she is, a pretty girl isn't she?

Taiga is taking good care of her. Giving her a thorough catwash
Look at the difference of size in them. He is very masculine
She enjoys the attention
Another pic that shows how masculine he is and how feminine she is

More plans for Taiga

IC (N)Gaupekatten's Frøken Norge, aka Bagheera will have her heart scanned next week, and if everything is ok she will meet our beautiful IC FIN*Amante's King of Taiga as soon as possible. Bagheera and Taiga has had a kitten earlier, and little Isak is a promising male. He has turned out so handsome I want to repeat this mating.

Click here for Bagheeras pedigrèe

Taiga is also ment to meet beautiful Armilla av Holskogen(N). Daddy is Fifè SC Gagarin Sibaris*RU, mum is Fifè GIC Delta Delissa Darrem Casus`CZ

Armilla lcurrently lives at Neofelis cattery
She is from Holskogen-cattery where both mum and dad lives