Also tought I should share a copule of pics of my hooligan Teddy and Maks the dog. Teddy loves to play with the dog, and vica verca. They are the best of friends even if things look a bit out of control in this pic. Actually Maks don't mind too much if the cats bite his nose, but if they touch his feet they have won! Strange dog...

Here's another pic where at leat Maks is posing nicely. Teddy I guess is wondering what kind of mischief he can come up with next. He is soooo lovable, but also the biggest hooligan in my home at the moment. Teddy is developing in a flash of light. I think he must have gained 1 kg the last week... Of corse it isn't true, but he is really developing and he will be a big and very big boned MAN when he grows up :0)

1 kommentar:
Hehe, de er nå artige de to guttene der.
Ser ut som bestevenner, men allikavel så syns Tetty det er på tide at Max får seg en pircing i snuten ;0)
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