IC (N)Gaupekatten's Frøken Norge, aka Bagheera will have her heart scanned next week, and if everything is ok she will meet our beautiful IC FIN*Amante's King of Taiga as soon as possible. Bagheera and Taiga has had a kitten earlier, and little
Isak is a promising male. He has turned out so handsome I want to repeat this mating.
Click here for Bagheeras
Taiga is also ment to meet beautiful Armilla av Holskogen(N). Daddy is Fifè SC Gagarin Sibaris*RU, mum is Fifè GIC Delta Delissa Darrem Casus`CZ
Armilla lcurrently lives at
Neofelis catteryShe is from
Holskogen-cattery where both mum and dad lives
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