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mandag 29. juni 2009

Show - Gisund Catclub, Finnsnes

This is where we stayed, and Maks has already learned some new tricks....

Here's (N)Snurriart's Pet MCO. The signs sais "dangerous cat"

This is where we stayed this weeken. Such luxus!! Maks is sleeping on his mattrass on the floor, and Summer on the sofa


This is Li and her brit Kingsley, From undomiel cattery (HÅLKA)

Undomiel Ymer beeing judged (HÅLKA)

(N)Undomiel neute male (HÅLKA)

(N)Fargo's True Romance, BIS both days3-6 both days. Here flirting with Yan R. F. (HÅLKA)

Lillian and her osh (HÅLKA)

Sonja and her 8 year old SIA (HÅLKA)

(N)Fargo's True Romance, BIS 3-6 both days (HÅLKA)

S*Nikopeijas's Orianna, NOM on saturday
Susanne and Sonja with their sib's. Class competators (I lost the bet...)

(N)Nordic Lynx American Dream. NOM both days and BIS on saturday (HÅLKA)

(N)Nordic Lynx American Dream ringside... (HÅLKA).

Raymond and (N)HeLo's Farm Future Rose, MCO (HÅLKA)
Berit, and (N)Yowie's PS: I love you, MCO (HÅLKA)

May-Gunn and family ringside (HÅLKA)
May-Gunns' new little girl and Raymond (HÅLKA)
Gunn-Tove with Qimat Diamant van Antouch

Reidun and her BRI-male neuter (HÅLKA)

Raymond judging

Raymond and S*Nikopeija's Orianna (SIB)

(N)Nordic Lynx American Dream, NOM both days and BIS on saturday,

3-6 months at Raymonds ring. A rag from (N)Azzi's breeding and a mco from (N)Yowie's breeding (both HÅLKA)
May-Gunns NFO is being jdged by Raymond (HÅLKA)

Helga and (N)HeLo's Farm Future Rose, (HÅLKA)

Kristianne Balmer with (N)Azzi's cat... (HÅLKA)

Helga and (N)HeLo's Farm Future Rose (HÅLKA)

(N)HeLo's Farm Future Rose is nominated!!!
I'm so happy, thank you Raymond!!

May-Gunn and her black NFO (HÅLKA)

Julie and one of her TUA (HÅLKA)

Susanne and S*Nikopeija's Orianna

Susanne and S*Nokopeija's Orianna
CH (N)CarilloCat's Lucky Day

(N)Undomiel cats (HÅLKA)

1 kommentar:

S*Ja Znaju, Scrappar Liv sa...

Tusen takk for titten inn på utstillinga, artti å se katter av alle sorter, likte typen til Nikopejas Orianna, flott katt. Og en del andre er jo også söte ;-)