Today I decided I wanted to go upwards when walking Maks. I really wanted to get a nice overview of the wonderful scenery, the midnight sun and all, but the farther I went, the deeper into the wood I got and at the end I decided I would turn back and go back another day. In daytime.
But here are some photos anyway. Tought I would share.
For me this is quite steep, but I guess I burnt off some calories ;0)

Maks just loves to run and play. Actually when we get to this gate I need to keep him on a leash because of the sheep, but I let him jump it first. Just for the photo.

I was not the only one getting exhausted


Here we are almost home. This is almost in our garden.

And here is what met us coming home. They look good toghether, don't they?

I just love small flowers that you really have to study to notice their real beauty. Here are some of my favourites

Another little flower. Click on the photo to enhance it

Another one
And another

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