Taiga is a cuddler, and what is better if you like to cuddle than little kittens? Taiga knows this, and I think he is secretly proud they all are named after him now.
Here is Taiga with
Ramp Salvian Taiganov and
Boheme Salvina Taiganova
And here he is with
Kaos Salvian Taiganov,
Ramp Salvian Taiganov,
Tiger Salvian Taiganov and
Rustique Salvia Taiganova
Here he is with
Ramp Salvian Taiganov and
Kaos Salvian Taiganov
And yes, he is changing dipers too
Ramp Salvian Taiganov and
Tiger Salvian Taiganov
Yes, Ramp is playful too!

And "oh so cute"
Boheme Salvina Taiganova is just a little furry ball, she actually fell asleep sitting like this
Blå Rock Salvian Taiganov fell asleep in the dog cage after finishing half the bone... (just kidding about the bone, but it looks quite funny, LOL)
3 kommentarer:
Så søte kattungene er blitt :) er vel snart klart for flytting nå?
Ja, de er jo 12 uker i morra, så nå begynner de å bli flytteklare. Det er jentene og Kaos som flytter først, og deretter er det vel Ramp, og så Blå Rock. Tiger leter enda etter et nytt hjem
The last photo with Blå Rock and the bone was hilerious ;)
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